University is over

Omar Morales
2 min readDec 21, 2020


This week I was reviewing my pull requests to fix them and finally 4 out of 5 were merged and I am happy about that.

University is over

At the end of my last semester at school, it is inevitable to remember everything that my university gave me. Excellent friends, incredible experiences, a learning process that I liked and unforgettable academic trips.

With so many activities and work to do sometimes I forget what I am trying to achieve. I have learned to be more grateful because I am fortunate to have had the opportunity to go to university and be working as a developer.

Under the hook on the Java language

I have been learning about how to get private dependencies in a maven project, but from a private repository. There are two ways to do it, indicate it in the project’s pom.xml or in the settings.xml (usually located in /home/user/.m2/settings.xml). I modified the settings.xml where I added the URL and credentials of the private repository in Nexus.

This week I took up the Spring Boot Microservices with Spring Cloud course, where I was learning how to document the parameters and fields with which the endpoints interact from the tests. It is interesting how the class org.springframework.restdocs.mockmvc.MockMvcRestDocumentation generates an adoc document with the information that was given to the mock.


The satisfactory result of the week is that as I already mentioned, 4 of the 5 pull requests that I have were merged and I am proud to be a contributor to Open-Source projects.

Also, I set the goal of solving an issue that uses the spring framework and that is not a good first issue. I have been working on it, and although right now I am waiting for more information on the project data model, I am very excited about this issue.

The unpleasant experience is the same as last week, I have struggled a lot finding an issue on my secondary stack (JavaScript). I talked with my mentors about it and they gave me material to deal with this problem and to prepare myself for the things that follow in my process as an internal software developer.

Fun fact

There are not Three Wise Men, there are four. Melchor, Gaspar, Baltasar and Artabán.



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